Many people have it as a general credence and as a notion that those who fall the victims of many fraudsters also referred as tricksters, are associated with greedy tendency and the extreme desire to acquire more than what they can actually acquire legally. Many people who based their submission on greed and the quest to acquire easily, have perhaps forgot that many who had been snared into the trap of fraudsters never desire to acquire more either legally or illegally. A sample research has it that many were just victims of circumstances.
In a privately simple but snap/haphazard survey and research which was recently conducted by the publishers/writers of SADOH MS' Blog through the cities of Lagos, Benin City, Lokoja, Abuja and Kaduna, it was gathered that the situation about the victims of fraudsters was far above the common notion and belief of greed and desire for acquire more illegally. Many of the outcomes of the survey are what would cause some people to be astonishingly perplexed as some of the revelations were never considered by the public as reasons for falling victim of defrauding or trickery.
According to the survey/research, discussed below are the seven obvious reasons or causes why many people easily fall victims to fraudsters who are commonly referred as '419' in the Nigeria context.
1. Greed
This is certainly the most common regarded reason why people easily got in the snares of fraudsters (419) and come out defrauded. Whereas it could have been easy to avoid such defrauding scenario, but the desire to acquire more material wealth through easier and cheap path, always render the victims in this category to fall prey to their predating fraudsters.
Obviously, the victims in this category are not relatively poor or dwelling in abject poverty. Those which the survey revealed to be common in this category are people who may be gainful employed or are well-to-do. They are also those who may be CEOs in their respective businesses or average income earners whose income is relatively sustainable. What somebody could ask next is: if these set of people are categorized in a buoyant parenthesis of the society as enumerated above, how then they fall victims of fraudsters where they already have enough or average income for sustainability?
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The response to such query as stated above is what is termed 'greed'. Greed from a simple English Dictionary is defined as: 'a selfish or excessive desire for more than what is needed or desired, especially of money, wealth, food, or other possessions. From the definition, it can be understood that, being greedy does not primarily mean that the person does not have income or resources required for livelihood. They simply desire excess of what they actually required for normal living.
The fraudsters who target the greedy section of human personalities lay the snare of enticement and luring them into believing the ease to acquire what they could not have acquired in 20 years, to be acquired in few days or within a week or a month. This ease to be wealthier in short time, is always the key to unlocking the greed in such personalities. The fraudsters who are always very clever in tricks and deceptions are never dormant in vigilance. They always have a track of their potential victims movements and their desires. Hence when they portray how well their victims can get wealthier easily either through a legally portrayed business proposal or through an uncommon money-making but easier channel, depending which potential direction they must have pre-tracked their victims.
During the survey/research, a case study of a Bureau de Change merchant in Abuja was exposed. The victim (whose name is to remain anonymous for security reasons), was a big but not famous merchant in the Zone 4 Area of Abuja in about 6 years ago. According to the witness who narrated the story to SADOH MS' Blog researchers, the victim was approached by a young beautiful girl in a BMW Saloon car in the evening of a certain Friday when the daily business was about to close. She explained to him that she had a white man whom she claimed was her boyfriend from USA who was lodging at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel in Abuja that needed plenty amount of naira currency for dollars. As at that time, the 'black market' buying power of naira exchange rate to a dollar was 155:1 respectively; and the selling power was 152(naira): 1(dollar). But this girl told the BDC merchant that her American boyfriend would give his dollars at 1(dollars): 140(naira); and that he had $200,000 (two hundred thousand dollars) to exchange for that amount. The merchant perceived a huge profit margin and jumped at the offer even when she told him that he needed to bring N2.000,000 (two million naira) immediately with her to the hotel so as to return back with the full exchange transaction. He agreed and followed her in her own car without a second thought.
It was later learnt that when they got to Transcorp Hilton, the girl lured the merchant to wait for him somewhere in the reception after handing over the two million naira to her which she claimed she was going to give to the white man to return with the dollars. But to the amazement of the man, the girl never returned. Even with the arrival of the police, both the girl and her car were never found. That was how the Bureau de Change merchant lost a wholesome of two million naira in his greedy desire to make bourgeois profit.
2. Get-Rich-Quick Syndrome
This is common with the young people or youths of today. The victims who fall prey to the fraudulent claws of tricksters in this category are the youths or young men/women whose quest to get rich quick is immensely non-quantifiable.
Today, many young men and women are seriously on the look out for any vacuum or lag which they consider as faster means or opportunity to get material wealth, and with ease. Many youths today no longer care about 'how come' or 'how well' wealth is created but the main concern now is 'anyhow' or 'any way'. It is now easy to eulogize someone who made money either in a clandestine or illegal manner, without even an iota of care how they made such money. Any young man/woman who suddenly wakes up with millions or billions without even a recognized previous financial means to ascending to such height, is now considered king and influential just for making such money even when a background or foundation for such is glaring illegal or murky.
Due to all these conditions as expressed above, many youths today are willing to do anything just to ascend the status of fame and wealth. Hence if any seems-easy channel of money appear to them even through an unknown personality who may pose as a helper, they jump at it without any rethink. For instance, a young man who is so desired to ride the latest Toyota Camry to his village 'to show off' during this year Christmas, would rather hearken widely to anyone who promises to help him with incantations and supernatural means to transmit his hard-earned N150,000 (one hundred and fifty thousand naira) into N5,000,000 (five million naira). Ideally, only those who had witnessed such similar experience would reject such fallacious opportunity whereas, a tyro whose quest is to make money at any cost or at all means, will surely jump at the offer which they see as rear easy opportunity.
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3. Poverty
Today, the ravaging poverty level in Nigeria has contributed much to the successful execution of the fraudsters business. Facts from a public research conducted on the Nigerian population in 2014 revealed that out of the estimated population of 170 million people in Nigeria, 110 million people fall into the poverty bracket and about 65% of that 110 million people fall deeper below the poverty rated bracket. Clearly highlighted, it was exposed that about 70 million Nigerians fall below the poverty line. On the whole, only about 5% of the Nigerian populace are rich while about 25% live slightly and averagely above the poverty rated status. These figures formed the basis of concern to the entire citizens of the country, hence many people in the bracket of poverty, are eager or strongly to ascend above the bracket to an average or comfort life bracket.
Since the fraudsters realized that there is utmost and determined tendency to escape poverty by those in that bracket, they have developed different hypnotic strategies over the years to snare their victims. However, they have resolved to changing these hypnotic strategies over the years. About 12 years ago, a common method of luring victims to contribute cash for payment of currency chemical was in vogue. In those days, fraudsters usually employed some luring tricks via conversation particularly when their victims boarded the same vehicle with them and having their clique as the other passengers. To a novice, the conversation about buying chemical to wash already printed currency notes would look like heavenly opportunity to ascend above poverty with ease. All the thought about escaping the poverty bracket always posed the factor that made them descend into luring tricks of the fraudsters without any reflection or anticipation of being the loser instead of the overwhelmingly anticipated easy win to wealth.
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A case study inhere is a story of a young labourer in Benin City who got defrauded by tricksters with the luring tricks to contribute money to buy a certain chemical from Europe to wash currency notes which were filled in 10 big cartons. The young man in his late 20's was a bricklayer otherwise known as mason. He unfortunately boarded the same vehicle with fraudsters one early morning on his way to work at a location called Isihor Quarters, on the outskirt of the city and the western route of the Benin-Lagos Expressway. Inside the vehicle and as a novice, the fraudsters successfully convinced him to part with his total savings N50, 000 (fifty thousand naira) after making him sworn to an oath of secrecy. In 1997 when this incidence occurred, N50, 000 was still huge amount of money with an equivalent value with a today N500, 000 (five hundred thousand naira) in Nigeria. The labourer emptied both his bank account savings and disposed some of his material possessions to raise the cash of N50, 000. This took place in a duration of 2 days during which he kept to the mantra of the oath of secrecy of 'do not tell anybody even your wife, about our deal, else you will die...' So even when he was asked by neighbours why he was disposing and auctioning his television, video recorder, compact disk player etc, at extremely cheap prices, he lied that he just won a building contract in Abuja and he needed money to execute it as soon as possible.
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It was a day after he gave the cash to his 'business partners' that he realised that he was defrauded. He had returned to the same house where he met them the previous day to pick his own carton of naira notes as he was assuredly promised when he submitted his own contributing 'share' to pay for the chemical; but he only met a deserted building with no sign of human around. In his astonishment and confusion, he decided to make some enquiry at the opposite building across the street. He was later told after some hesitation by the street dwellers that, he was the 7th person coming to ask of those people in that house and that those people were 419. He couldn't believe his ears but he later confirmed his fears when the 8th victim (a young woman) came knocking at the gate of the same house. According to the young woman who was a petty trader at the popular Uselu Market, she took a fast-to-return loan from the market cooperative society, with a promise to return in 3 days! She later woke up at the university teaching hospital after passing out in an intense shock when it was dawn on her that she had been defrauded.
Today, many young men and women are seriously on the look out for any vacuum or lag which they consider as faster means or opportunity to get material wealth, and with ease. Many youths today no longer care about 'how come' or 'how well' wealth is created but the main concern now is 'anyhow' or 'any way'. It is now easy to eulogize someone who made money either in a clandestine or illegal manner, without even an iota of care how they made such money. Any young man/woman who suddenly wakes up with millions or billions without even a recognized previous financial means to ascending to such height, is now considered king and influential just for making such money even when a background or foundation for such is glaring illegal or murky.
Due to all these conditions as expressed above, many youths today are willing to do anything just to ascend the status of fame and wealth. Hence if any seems-easy channel of money appear to them even through an unknown personality who may pose as a helper, they jump at it without any rethink. For instance, a young man who is so desired to ride the latest Toyota Camry to his village 'to show off' during this year Christmas, would rather hearken widely to anyone who promises to help him with incantations and supernatural means to transmit his hard-earned N150,000 (one hundred and fifty thousand naira) into N5,000,000 (five million naira). Ideally, only those who had witnessed such similar experience would reject such fallacious opportunity whereas, a tyro whose quest is to make money at any cost or at all means, will surely jump at the offer which they see as rear easy opportunity.
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3. Poverty
Today, the ravaging poverty level in Nigeria has contributed much to the successful execution of the fraudsters business. Facts from a public research conducted on the Nigerian population in 2014 revealed that out of the estimated population of 170 million people in Nigeria, 110 million people fall into the poverty bracket and about 65% of that 110 million people fall deeper below the poverty rated bracket. Clearly highlighted, it was exposed that about 70 million Nigerians fall below the poverty line. On the whole, only about 5% of the Nigerian populace are rich while about 25% live slightly and averagely above the poverty rated status. These figures formed the basis of concern to the entire citizens of the country, hence many people in the bracket of poverty, are eager or strongly to ascend above the bracket to an average or comfort life bracket.
Since the fraudsters realized that there is utmost and determined tendency to escape poverty by those in that bracket, they have developed different hypnotic strategies over the years to snare their victims. However, they have resolved to changing these hypnotic strategies over the years. About 12 years ago, a common method of luring victims to contribute cash for payment of currency chemical was in vogue. In those days, fraudsters usually employed some luring tricks via conversation particularly when their victims boarded the same vehicle with them and having their clique as the other passengers. To a novice, the conversation about buying chemical to wash already printed currency notes would look like heavenly opportunity to ascend above poverty with ease. All the thought about escaping the poverty bracket always posed the factor that made them descend into luring tricks of the fraudsters without any reflection or anticipation of being the loser instead of the overwhelmingly anticipated easy win to wealth.
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A case study inhere is a story of a young labourer in Benin City who got defrauded by tricksters with the luring tricks to contribute money to buy a certain chemical from Europe to wash currency notes which were filled in 10 big cartons. The young man in his late 20's was a bricklayer otherwise known as mason. He unfortunately boarded the same vehicle with fraudsters one early morning on his way to work at a location called Isihor Quarters, on the outskirt of the city and the western route of the Benin-Lagos Expressway. Inside the vehicle and as a novice, the fraudsters successfully convinced him to part with his total savings N50, 000 (fifty thousand naira) after making him sworn to an oath of secrecy. In 1997 when this incidence occurred, N50, 000 was still huge amount of money with an equivalent value with a today N500, 000 (five hundred thousand naira) in Nigeria. The labourer emptied both his bank account savings and disposed some of his material possessions to raise the cash of N50, 000. This took place in a duration of 2 days during which he kept to the mantra of the oath of secrecy of 'do not tell anybody even your wife, about our deal, else you will die...' So even when he was asked by neighbours why he was disposing and auctioning his television, video recorder, compact disk player etc, at extremely cheap prices, he lied that he just won a building contract in Abuja and he needed money to execute it as soon as possible.
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It was a day after he gave the cash to his 'business partners' that he realised that he was defrauded. He had returned to the same house where he met them the previous day to pick his own carton of naira notes as he was assuredly promised when he submitted his own contributing 'share' to pay for the chemical; but he only met a deserted building with no sign of human around. In his astonishment and confusion, he decided to make some enquiry at the opposite building across the street. He was later told after some hesitation by the street dwellers that, he was the 7th person coming to ask of those people in that house and that those people were 419. He couldn't believe his ears but he later confirmed his fears when the 8th victim (a young woman) came knocking at the gate of the same house. According to the young woman who was a petty trader at the popular Uselu Market, she took a fast-to-return loan from the market cooperative society, with a promise to return in 3 days! She later woke up at the university teaching hospital after passing out in an intense shock when it was dawn on her that she had been defrauded.
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